Rotala rotundifolia is a popular aquarium plant of the rotala genus and loosestrife family, which it shares with other well known aquatic plants. Its Latin name ‘Rotundifolia’ literally means ’round leaves’. Rotundifolia is commonly mistaken for Rotala indica, another popular aquatic plant. It is also known as:
Rotala Rotundifolia is a stem plant that thrives in wet, marshy, and aquatic environments and is a staple of aquaculture projects. The wild variety is found semi-immersed as a vigorous growing weed of rice paddies across southern Asia including China and Taiwan and can even be found in southern Europe. Use in aquascaping has led to it being introduced in the US, wherein in some regions, it has an invasive character.
Common Name: Rotála rotundifólia
Portion: 6-8 stems, around 10-15cm each stems
Other Names: The dwarf rotala, Round-leaf tooth cup, Pink sprites
Scientific Name: Rotála rotundifólia
Difficulty: Easy to Medium
Lighting: Medium to High
Optimal pH: 6.0 – 8.0
Optimal GH: 2 – 12 (1 – 30)
Optimal Temperature: 20 – 28 C (68 – 82 F)
Substrate: Needed
Growth Form: Stem
Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
Placement: in Tank
Height: up 5 – 30+ cm (2 – 12+ inches)
Fertilizers: Not needed to low
CO2: Not needed to low
Propagation: Head Cuttings or Runners